Did you happen to see the first part of Mordicai Knode’s interview of me at paizo.com?
How about the second part, right here on on this blog? I’d love to see some comments there.
Speaking of Mordicai, a few weeks back he posted a wonderful review of King of Chaos at tor.com, to go along with the one he did earlier of the first three novels. If you like his review, drop a comment over there and make him look like the big shot reviewer he is.

Perhaps you missed the first free chapter of King of Chaos, posted courtesy of the fine folks at Black Gate. More sample chapters are on their way.
And maybe you now have time to read the first chapter of “The Fencing Master,” also at paizo.com. Some readers say very kind things about it in the comments. Chapter Two comes next Wednesday, when the plot definitely thickens.
Finally, if you’re interested in the earliest tales of Radovan and the Count, I’ve pinned a reminiscence here. Once I see ten comments (from 10 different people, mind you, not 10 from one guy), I will put together one on the Master of Devils period.